Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Data Collection Procedure


Written by Ari Julianto

Data Collection Procedure which is usually in a skripsi or thesis placed in sub-chapter Research Design or Research  Methodology is a report of the procedure how we collect the data.

The procedure of Data Collection depends on the kind of the research. In this posting I cannot explain all kinds of research for collecting the data. I just give some examples of them.

There are two ways in reporting the Data Collection Procedure. First, in paragraph description and secod in numerial description. For this matter, I can suggest that if the procedure or the steps of collecting the data is below five steps, it is advisable to report it in  paragraph description. On the contrary, if the steps of collecting the data is  more than five steps, numeral description is a choice.

The most important thing in reporting Data Collection Procedure is the significant and the factual steps. Begin the report from the basic one. for example, if the instrument of the research is a test, report it from how we administrate it to the students, then what next? do  we ask the students to read the test (for how minutes?) or do we ask the students to answer the test directly, and so on.

Below I give you some examples of the procedure in Collecting the Data. I would not say that these are the best examples.

1. Data Collection Procedure for Novel Analysis
The steps of collecting data are as follows: firstly, the writer reads the novel several times thoroughly. And then he takes the most important point to be the subject matter which in this case Harry Potter’ sadness feelings. In this step the writer also selects the data which are relation with the purpose of the study. Then, he makes the novel as the primary source of data. Secondly, the writer also consults to his advisory lecturers to ask for some guidance in writing this thesis. Finally, he collects all the data that support his subject matter. The writer takes the sources of the references of the several books, dictionaries and Internet which have relationship to the subject matter. He formulated the idea regularly into so called thesis. In this step, he also arranges the data systematically in accordance with the problem of the study. 

2. Data Collection Procedure for News Analysis
The data were analyzed by using descriptive technique through some steps. The steps are as follows
a. Selecting the data based on the source of data,

b. reading all the selected articles of educational news of British Broadcasting Corporation News Online,
c. identifying each sentence that contains infinitive forms,

d. classifying the infinitive forms to find out the type of infinitive,
e. finding out the most dominant infinitive forms.

3. Data Collection Procedure for Effect Research
For collecting the data of the research, the researcher developed a teacher-made test that relates to the vocabulary skill based on LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). The vocabulary is taken from Developing English Competencies for Grade XI of Natural and Social Science Programmes Senior High School (SMA/MA) Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. The test consist of 40 test items in which the students had to answer them in 30 minutes. The test is a teacher made-test in which where there were 40 numbers that consisted of 10 numbers for matching the words and pictures, 10 numbers for filling the blanks, 10 numbers for changing word formation and 10 numbers for associating words. Each number was scored 2.5 (100 : 40 = 2.5).

4. Data Collection Procedure for Students' Ability
For collecting the data, some steps was performed as follows:
1. This research was developed a test of completion test in order to see the results of the students' ability to use descriptive adjective in English simple sentences,
2. The test was given to the students and give five minutes to the students to read the test thoroughly,
3. The researcher collected the answer sheet,
4. The researcher calculated the correct and the incorrect answers,
5. The correct answer was scored 5 and the wrong answer did not affect the score.

Hope today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.