Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Guide Questions to Library Research
Guide Questions to Library Research

                                                 Written by Ari Julianto

Making Your Plan
- How detailed will your research have to be?
- How long does your paper have to be?
- What subject areas are involved?
- What types of information/resources are needed?
- Where will you find your resources?

Developing Your Search
- Get familiar with your campus library
- Talk to library staff
- Find out what resources you can get from your library
- Choose a topic and have it approved by your instructor
- Select your information resources

Identifying Resources
- Reference Resources
- Books
- Scholarly and Professional Journals
- Popular Magazines
- Newspapers
- Internet Resources
- Audio, Visual, and Non-Print Resources

Gathering Information
Reference Sources:
- Library Catalog
- Other Library Catalogs
Scholarly and Popular Journals

- Access internet to find the related ebooks

Evaluating Your Resources
- Who is the author?
– Check the author’s credentials
- What audience was it written for?
- Is the information current and/or biased?
- Is the level of the information appropriate for your project?
- Is there is a list of references and bibliography cited by the author?

Well, hope today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.